Plant and Animal Science Ascends in ESI top 1%
University of Science and Technology of China(USTC) makes one step further on its way of development: Plant and Animal Science ascends in Essential Science Indicators(ESI) top 1% for the first time according to the data published by Clarivate Analytics recently, and becomes the 12th member of current ESI top 1% subjects of USTC.
An ESI Top1% subject is regarded as a high-class subject worldwide. Data shows that average cited frequency per paper of USTC reaches 15.78, which ranks 4th in mainland China and is beyond the worldwide average frequency 9.34.
Plant and Animal Science includes all achievements in research on plants and animals of a university.In recent years, the team of plant and ecology researchhas made first-class scientific research focusing on the molecular mechanism of the interaction between plant and ecological environment. Many breakthroughs have been made in the adaptability of plants to the ecological environment. A number of research achievements have been published in the top journals of the world and the members are selected by Centers of Excellence in Molecular Plant Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS).
With the support of university and school, a research team of plants and ecology with a moderate scale, capability and efficiency anda world-class plant and ecology research platform are established,which have laid a solid foundation for the Plant and Animal subject to enter the world's top 1% of ESI and make continuous progress. Relying on theadvantagesofthe cooperation betweenuniversity and institutes, Kunming Institute of Zoology of CAS, Kunming Institute of Botany of CAS, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden and other institutions have all made animpressive contribution.
Having contributed to four ESI Top1% subjects and several high-level subjects in the 4th evaluation of subjects, School of Life Sciences is looking forward to seizing the opportunity of establishing the Research Center of Botany and Ecology, taking the advantage of its multi-disciplinary characteristicand achieving more in the future.