USTC recognized as "Institution of the Year 2019" by Cell Press

发布时间:2020-07-18 浏览次数:21

In the special issue of Cell Press with Chinese Scientists 2019 jointly published by China Science Daily and Cell Press, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), together with Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciencesand Zhejiang Universitywas recognized as Institution of the Year 2019, according to the number of papers of each institution published in Cell Press and its impact factor. In 2019, USTC published 23 research papers inCell, Cell Metabolism, Immunity, Chem, Cell Reports, Joule, Matter, iscience, with an impact index of 329.385.

The paper entitled Mammalian Near-Infrared Image Vision through Injectable and Self-Powered Retinal Nanoantennae published by Prof. XUE Tian of the School of Life Sciences from USTC was awarded as The Annual Paper in China of Cell Press in 2019. Mammals can only see visible light (usually referred to wavelengths between 400 and 700 nm). In fact, there exists longer wavelength light (such as infrared) in our environment, and the detection of it helps us obtain information beyond the visible spectrum. However, the infrared night vision for detecting infrared light has the disadvantages of being incompatible with visible light, easily overexposed in strong light, and requiring power supply.

Prof. XUE Tian’s research team used ocular injectable photoreceptor-binding upconversion nanoparticles so that it can detect infrared without affecting visible light vision. This technology effectively extends the mammalian visual spectrum without any external device or genetic manipulation, breaking the physical limit of visual perception given by nature.

This work was published online inCellon February 28, 2019, and was selected as the only video material in this issue forsciencepopularization. In January 2020,Prof. XUE Tian’s research was selected as one of the best research articles among 400 papers in 2019 by Cell Press. This bio-integrated nanodevice can be applied in both military andcivilianfields.

Cell Presswith Chinese Scientists was jointly published by China Science Daily and Cell Press, which systematically introduces the scientific research achievements made by Chinese scientists in the field of life science and material science. The selected papers should meet the following requirements: 1) the first completion unit is from mainland China,2) the paper version of the article is published in 2019, 3) a Chinese corresponding authoraffiliate to the institution from mainland China should be included. In 2019, a total of 10 representative papers were selected after the review process.

The Annual Paper in China of Cell Press in 2019

Paper link:

(Written by Merhaba, edited by JIANG Pengcen, USTC News Center)
