Contact Information
Fax: 86-551-63601443
E-mail: zhouy@ustc.edu.cn
Personal Profile
1987.9-1991.4: Doctor of Science in Neurobiology, April 1991, Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, P.R.China
1982.9-1985.6: Master of Science in Neurophysiology,August 1985,Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, P.R.China
1978.10-1982.7: Bachelor of Science in Biophysics, June 1982, Univ. of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, P.R.China
Research Interests
Visual Information Process; Neurodevelopment and Aging in visual system; mechanism of cognitive impairment of amblyopia
Selected Publications
1. Zhou YF, Leventhal AGCA and Thompson KG, Visual deprivation does not affect the orientation and direction sensitivity of relay cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat. J. Neuroscience, 1995, 15: 689-698.
2. Leventhal AGCA, Wang YC, Pu ML Zhou YF and Ma YY, GABA and its Agonists Improved Visual Cortical Function in Senescent Monkeys, SCIENCE, 2003, 300 (5620): 812-815.
3. Zhou YFCA, Yu HB, Yang YP and Shou TD, Non-dominant Eye Responses in the Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of the Cat: an intracellular study. Brain Research, 2003, 987(1): 76-85.
4. Wang YC, Zhou YF. , Ma YY and Leventhal AG, Excitotoxic Degradation of Information Processing in Cortical Areas V1 and V2 of Senescent monkeys, Cerebral Cortex, 2005, 15: 403-408.
5. Hua TM, Li XR, He LH, Zhou YF CA, Wang YC and Leventhal AG, Decreased stimulus selectivity of visual cortical cells in old Cats. Neurobiology of Aging, 2006, 27: 155-162.
6. Zhou YFCA, Huang CB, Xu PJ, Tao LM, Qiu ZP , Li XR and Lu ZL, Perceptual Learning Improves Contrast Sensitivity and Visual Acuity in Adults with Anisometropic Amblyopia. Vision Research, 2006, 46: 739-750.
7. Huang CB, Zhou YF, Lu ZLCA, Broad bandwidth of perceptual learning in the visual system of adults with anisometropic amblyopia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2008, 105(10): 4068-4073.
8. Yang Y, Zhang J, Liang, Z, Li, G., Ma YY, Wang, YC, Zhou YFCA and Leventhal, AG,Aging affects the neural representation of speed information in MT neuron in rhesus monkeys. Cerebral Cortex, 2009, 19(9): 1957-1967.
10. Hua TM, Bao PL, Huang CB, Wang ZH, Xu JW, Zhou YFCA and Lu ZLCA , Perceptual Learning Improves Contrast Sensitivity of V1 Neurons in Cats. Current Biology, 2010, 20: 887-894.
11. Fu Y, Yu S, Ma YY, Wang YC and Zhou YF CA , Functional Degradation of Primary Visual Cortex during Early Senescence in Rhesus Monkeys. Cerebral Cortex, 2013, 23(12): 2923-2931.
12. Li GX, Yao ZM, Wang ZC, Yuan NN, Talebi V, Tan JB, Wang YC, Zhou YF and Baker CCA , Form-cue invariant second-order neuronal responses to contrast modulation in primate area V2. J Neuroscience, 2014, 34(36): 12081–12092.