
YAO Xuebiao

Contact Information

Tel: 86-551-63607141

Fax: 86-551-63607141

E-mail: yaoxb@ustc.edu.cn

Lab website: http://lcd.ustc.edu.cn

ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/P-5771-2014

Education and Research Experience

Xuebiao Yao, PhD, is a Cheung Kong Professor (1998) and recipient of   NSFC Outstanding Young Scientist Award (1999). He graduated, with a PhD in Molecular   & Cell Biology, from the University of California-Berkeley in 1995  followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California-San   Diego. He accepted a tenure-track assistant professorship at the University   of Wisconsin-Madison in 1997. He joined the University of Science &  Technology of China in 1999 to build the Laboratory for Cellular Dynamics to   delineate the organelle dynamics and plasticity control underlying cell fate   decision in mitosis using a palette of optical sensors and chemical  modulators. The training philosophy in the Laboratory for Cellular Dynamics   is to transform motivated talents into future star scientists in biomedical   sciences. Many trainees from the Laboratory for Cellular Dynamics were  recognized with Qing Qian Scholarship, Ray Wu Prize, CAS Outstanding  Dissertation Award, keynote speaker of Harvard graduation,   and Damon Runyon Research Fellowship etc.

Dr. Yao serves on many editorial boards (Cell Res., Cell Discovery, JBC,   JMCB etc.) and heads the MOE Key Laboratory for Cellular Dynamics, Anhui Key   Laboratory for Cellular Dynamics & Chemical Biology. The active research   areas in Dr. Yao’s group include: centromere plasticity & stemness   control; chemical biology of mitosis & metastasis; organoids architect   & plasticity control; single molecule & super-resolution imaging. The  current research supports were generously provided by Chinese Academy of   Sciences, Natural Science Foundation of China, and Ministry of Science &   Technology of China.

Research Interests

Cellular mechanisms involved in establishment and maintenance of cell   polarity using gastric epithelial cells as a model system.

How Helicobacter pylori cytotoxins such as VacA perturb genomic   stability of gastric parietal cells using a novel 3D culture system.

Mitotic chromosome segregation and genomic stability:

Protein-protein interactions at the kinetochore is orchestrated during   cell division and what happens when specific protein-protein interaction is   perturbed in real-time live cells using optical reporters.


Selected Publications

1.  Song   X#, Yang F#, Yang T#, Wang Y#, Ding M#, Li L#, Xu P, Liu S, Dai M, Chi C, Xiang S,   Xu C, Li D, Wang Z, Li L, Hill DL, Fu C, Yuan K, Li P, Zang J, Hou Z, Jiang   K, Shi Y, Liu X*, Yao X*.   Phase separation of EB1 guides microtubule plus-end dynamics. Nat   Cell Biol.25(1):79-91. (2023)(Highlighted by Nature   Cell Biology)

2.  Tian   T#, Chen L#, Dou Z#, Yang Z#, Gao X*, Yuan X, Wang C, Liu R, Shen   Z, Gui P, Teng M, Meng X, Hill DL, Li L, Zhang X, Liu X, Sun L*, Zang J*, Yao X*. Structural insights   into human CCAN complex assembled onto DNA. Cell Discov. 8(1):90. (2022)

3.  Song   X#, Yang F#, Liu X#, Xia P#, Yin   W, Wang Z, Wang Y, Yuan X, Dou Z, Jiang K, Ma M, Hu B, Zhang R, Xu C, Zhang   Z, Ruan K, Tian R, Li L, Liu T, Hill DL, Zang J*, Liu X*, Li J*, Cheng J*, Yao X*. Dynamic crotonylation of EB1 by TIP60 ensures   accurate spindle positioning in mitosis. Nat Chem Biol. 17(12):1314-1323.   (2021) (Highlighted by Nature Chemical Biology)

4.  Xu L#, Ali M#, Duan W#, Yuan X*, Garba F, Mullen M, Sun B, Poser I, Duan H, Lu J, Tian R, Ge   Y, Chu L, Pan W, Wang D, Hyman A, Green H, Li L, Dou Z*, Liu D*, Liu X*, Yao X*. Feedback control of   PLK1 by Apolo1 ensures accurate chromosome segregation. Cell Rep. 36(2):109343.   (2021)

5.  Liu   X, Liu X, Wang H, Dou Z, Ruan K, Hill DL, Li L, Shi Y,Yao X*.   Phase separation drives decision making in cell division.J Biol Chem. 295(39):13419-13431. (2020) Review. (Recommended by F1000)

6.  Huang Y#, Lin L#,   Liu X#, Ye S#, Yao PY, Wang W, Yang F, Gao X, Li J,   Zhang Y, Zhang J,   Yang Z, Liu X, Yang Z, Zang J, Teng M, Wang Z, Ruan K, Ding X, Li L,   Cleveland DW, Zhang R*, Yao X*.   BubR1 phosphorylates CENP-E as a switch enabling the transition from lateral   association to end-on capture of spindle microtubules. Cell Res. 29(7):562-578.   (2019) (Highlighted by Cell   Research)

7.  Yu   H, Yang F, Dong P, Liao S, Liu WR, Zhao G, Qin B, Dou Z, Liu Z, Liu W, Zang   J, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Liu X, Yao   X*. NDP52 tunes cortical actin interaction with astral microtubules   for accurate spindle orientation. Cell Res. 29(8):666-679. (2019)

8. Yao X*, Smolka AJ. Gastric parietal cell physiology and Helicobacter pylori-induced disease. Gastroenterology.   156(8):2158-2173. (2019)

9.  Mo   F#, Zhuang X#, Liu X*, Yao PY, Qin B, Su Z, Zang J,   Wang Z, Zhang J, Dou Z, Tian C, Teng M, Niu L, Hill DL, Fang G, Ding X, Fu C,   Yao X*. Acetylation of   Aurora B by TIP60 ensures accurate chromosomal segregation. Nat   Chem Biol. 12(4):226-32. (2016) (Highlighted by Nature Chemical Biology)

10. Dou Z#, Liu X#, Wang W, Zhu T, Wang X,   Xu L, Abrieu A, Fu C, Hill DL, Yao   X*. Dynamic localization of Mps1 kinase to kinetochores   is essential for accurate spindle microtubule attachment. Proc   Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112(33):E4546-55. (2015)

11.  Zhao X#, Wang D#, Liu X, Liu L, Song Z,   Zhu T, Adams G, Gao X, Tian R, Huang Y, Chen R, Wang F, Liu D, Yu X, Chen Y,   Chen Z, Teng M, Ding X, Yao X*.   Phosphorylation of the Bin, Amphiphysin, and RSV161/167 (BAR) domain of ACAP4   regulates membrane tubulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.   110(27):11023-8. (2013)

12. Yao X*, Li D,   Pei G*. In focus: molecular and cell biology research in China. Nat   Rev Mol Cell Biol. 14(9):600-6. (2013)

13.  Xia P#, Wang Z#, Liu X, Wu B, Wang J,   Ward T, Zhang L, Ding X, Gibbons G, Shi Y, Yao X*. EB1 acetylation by P300/CBP-associated factor   (PCAF) ensures accurate kinetochore-microtubule interactions in mitosis. Proc   Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(41):16564-9.   (2012)(Recommended by F1000)

14.  Tao Y,   Jin C, Li X, Qi S, Chu L, Niu L, Yao   X*, Teng M*. The structure of the FANCM-MHF complex reveals physical   features for functional assembly. Nat Commun. 3:782. (2012)

15.  Chen J#,   Yao Y#, Gong C#, Yu F#, Su S, Chen J, Liu B,   Deng H, Wang F, Lin L, Yao H, Su F, Anderson KS, Liu Q, Ewen ME, Yao X*, Song E*. CCL18 from   tumor-associated macrophages promotes breast cancer metastasis via PITPNM3. Cancer   Cell. 19(4):541-55. (2011) (Recommended by F1000)

16.  Ding X#,   Yan F#, Yao P, Yang Z, Wan W, Wang X, Liu J, Gao X, Abrieu A, Zhu   T, Zhang J, Dou Z, Yao X*.  Probing CENP-E function in chromosome dynamics using small molecule inhibitor   syntelin. Cell Res. 20(12):1386-9. (2010)

17.  Jiang K,   Wang J, Liu J, Ward T, Wordeman L, Davidson A, Wang F, Yao X*. TIP150 interacts with and targets MCAK at the   microtubule plus ends. EMBO Rep. 10(8):857-65. (2009)

18.  Fang Z#,   Miao Y#, Ding X, Deng H, Liu S, Wang F, Zhou R, Watson C, Fu C, Hu   Q, Lillard JW Jr, Powell M, Chen Y*, Forte JG, Yao X*. Proteomic identification and functional   characterization of a novel ARF6 GTPase-activating protein, ACAP4. Mol   Cell Proteomics. 5(8):1437-49. (2006)