Contact Information
Email: lihe19@ustc.edu.cn
Lab website: http://www.hebiolab.net/
Research Interest
We use Drosophila and mammalian tissue culture system to investigate the intestine homeostasis regulated by internal stem cells as well as the molecular mechanisms of nutrient sensing.
Ph.D. (08/2006-04/2012) Department of Biological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
M.S. (08/2003-07/2006) Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, China.
B.A. (08/1999-07/2003) Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, China
Professional Experience
Professor (08/2019-) School of Life Science, University of Science and Technology of China
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (05/2012-08/2019) Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Ad hoc reviewer for: eLife, Plos Genetics, PNAS, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Development Growth and Differentiation, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, PLOS ONE, Human Genetics, Mechanisms of Developmen.
Selected Publication
1. M. Ahmad, S. Wu, S. Luo, W. Shi, X. Guo, Y. Cao, N. Perrimon, L. He.Dietary Amino Acids Promote Glucagon-like Hormone Release to Generate Global Calcium Waves in Adipose Tissues. Nat. Comm. 2024
2. M. Lui, L. He. Dietary cysteine and methionine promote peroxisome elevation and fat loss by induction of CG33474 expression in Drosophila adipose tissue. Cell Mol. Life Sci. 2024
3. He, L.*, Huang, J., Binari, R., Falo, J., and Perrimon, N. Enhanced dual-color fluorescent transcriptional reporters for in vivo study of signaling dynamics. Elife, 2019 (*1st and corresponding author)
4. He, L.*, Si, G., Huang, J., Samuel, A., and Perrimon, N. (2018) Mechanical regulation of stem-cell differentiation by the stretch-activated Piezo channel. Nature 555, 103-106. (*1st and corresponding author)
5. He, L., Huang, J., and Perrimon, N. (2017) Development of an optimized synthetic Notch receptor as an in vivo cell-cell contact sensor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 5467-5472.
6. He, L.*, Wang, X.*, Tang, H. L., and Montell, D. (2010) Tissue elongation requires oscillating contractions of a basal actomyosin network. Nature Cell Biology 12, 1133-1142. (*equal contribution, Cover Story)
7. Wang, X.*, He, L.*, Wu, Y. I., Hahn, K. M., and Montell, D. (2010) Light-mediated activation reveals a key role for Rac in collective guidance of cell movement in vivo. Nature Cell Biology 12, 591-597. (*equal contribution)