November 1980, Chief Physician, Director of the Geriatric Endocrinology Subspecialty, Reserve Candidate for the Twelfth Batch of Academic and Technical Leaders in Anhui Province, and Health Innovation Leading Talent in the Sixth Batch of Anhui Province’s Special Support Plan.
Contact Information
- E-mail: drshiyin@ustc.edu.cn
- Phone: 0551-62283240 / 0551-62283732
Education and Work Experience
- 1998/09–2003/06: Bachelor’s in Clinical Medicine, Bengbu Medical College
- 2003/09–2006/06: Master’s in Geriatric Medicine, Anhui Medical University
- 2008/09–2011/06: Ph.D. in Pharmacology, Anhui Medical University
- 2008/12-2011/06: Joint Ph.D. Student, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), NIH, USA
- 2011/06–2012/03: Postdoctoral Researcher, NIAAA, NIH, USA
- 2006/07–2012/12: Resident Physician, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Anhui Provincial Hospital
- 2012/12–2017/12: Attending Physician, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Anhui Provincial Hospital
- 2017/12–2021/12: Associate Chief Physician, Department of Geriatric Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of the University of Science and Technology of China
- 2022/01–Present: Chief Physician, Department of Geriatric Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of the University of Science and Technology of China
Academic Achievements and Impact
Focused on aging and liver disease mechanisms, particularly cytokines and liver regeneration. Discovered that aging increases sensitivity to alcohol-induced liver damage, potentially due to downregulation of SIRT1. Published several papers as the first and corresponding author in journals such as *Hepatology*, *Journal of Hepatology*, *American Journal of Pathology*, and *Journal of Immunology Research*.
Ongoing Projects (Principal Investigator Only)
1. Project Name: Role of Human Myeloid Cells and Natural Killer T Cells (NKT) in Aging-Exacerbated Alcoholic Liver Disease Progression
- Source: Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation Outstanding Youth Project (1808085J11)
- Total Funding: 400,000 RMB
- Duration: 2018-2021
2. Project Name: IL-22 Pretreatment of Fatty/Geriatric Donor Liver to Improve Liver Transplant Survival and Counteract Liver Injury
- Source: National Natural Science Foundation of China (81870450/H0318)
- Total Funding: 570,000 RMB
- Duration: 2019-2022
Primary Research Areas (Graduate Programs) and Content
Clinical Medicine
1. Geriatric Medicine
- Aging and liver diseases
- Cytokines and aging
- Metabolic liver diseases
- Alcohol and aging
2. Clinical diagnosis and management of geriatric diseases and chronic conditions
Representative Papers (Last Five Years)
1、Heng Zhou, Juling Xu, Sanxiong Huang, Ying He, Xiaowei He, Lu Guo, Shi Yin#, Sheng Lu#, Blocking the Hepatic Branch of the Vagus Aggravates Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury via Inhibiting the Expression of IL-22 in the Liver,Journal of Immunology Research, vol. 2021, 6666428, 11pages, 2021.(IF=3.327/2020)
2、Hou X, Yin S, Ren R, Liu S, Yong L, Liu Y, Li Y, Zheng MH, Kunos G, Gao B, Wang H. Myeloid cell-specific IL-6 signaling promotes miR-223-enriched exosome production to attenuate NAFLD-associated fibrosis. Hepatology. 2020 Nov 24. (IF=14.679/2019)
3、Xie G#, Yin S#, Zhang Z, Qi D, Wang X, Kim D, Yagai T, Brocker CN, Wang Y, Gonzalez FJ, Wang H, Qu A. Hepatocyte Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor α Enhances Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy in Mice. Am J Pathol. 2019 Feb;189(2):272-282. (Co-first author) (IF= 4.069/2018)
4、Zhou H, Xie G, Mao Y, Zhou K, Ren R, Zhao Q, Wang H*, Yin S*. Enhanced Regeneration and Hepatoprotective Effects of Interleukin 22 Fusion Protein on a Predamaged Liver Undergoing Partial Hepatectomy. J Immunol Res. 2018 Oct 31;2018: 524-526. (co-Corresponding author) (IF= 2.487/2018)
5、Ramirez T#, Li YM#,Yin S#,Xu MJ, Feng D, Zhou Z, Zang M, Mukhopadhyay P, Varga ZV, Pacher P, Gao B*, Wang H*. Aging aggravates alcoholic liver injury and fibrosis in mice by downregulating Sirtuin 1 expression. J Hepatol. (Cover Story) 2017; 66(3):601-609(Co-first author) (IF= 12.8/2016)
6、Yin S, Feng D. Interleukin-22 in the pathogenesis and potential treatment of liver diseases. Liver Research, 2017.9, 1(3): 181~185