Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, Director of Scientific Research in the Radiology Department at the First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).
Education, Work, and International Experience
- 2012/9 – 2016/6: Postdoctoral Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis
- 2016/7 – 2018/12: Instructor, Washington University in St. Louis
- 2018/12 – Present: Professor, the First Affiliated Hospital of USTC
Primary Research Areas and Specializations
1. Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and its applications
2. Pre-clinical neuroimaging and its applications
3. Biomedical imaging analysis and processing
Summary of Representative Achievements
Research findings have been applied in the study of various diseases, including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, biplor disorder, traumatic brain injury and brain tumors. To date, over 50 articles and abstracts have been published in SCI journals and international conferences, such as PNAS, Neuroimage and Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. The research has received fundings from the 100 Talents Project in Anhui province, and has led 5 projects supported by the National Key R&D program of China, the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the University of Science and Technology of China.
Published Papers (Last 5 Years, First or Corresponding Author)
1. Li S., Xu X., Li C., Xu Z., Wu K., Ye Q., Zhang Y., Jiang X., Cang C., Tian C., Wen J., In vivo labeling and quantitative imaging of neuronal populations using MRI. NeuroImage, 2023. 281: p. 120374.
2. Qiu, J., K. Wu, M. Zhu, C.Y. Chen, Y. Luo, Y. Liu, and J. Wen, Using quantitative MRI to study the association of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) status with oxygen metabolism and cellular structure changes in glioma. Eur J Radiol, 2022. 155: p. 110502.
3. Qiu, J., K. Deng, P. Wang, C. Chen, Y. Luo, S. Yuan, and J. Wen, Application of diffusion kurtosis imaging to the study of edema in solid and peritumoral areas of glioma. Magn Reson Imaging, 2022. 86: p. 10-16.
4. Fang, C., Y. Liu, Y. Liu, M. Liu, X. Qiu, Y. Li, J. Wen, and Y. Yang, Label-free coronavirus disease 2019 lesion segmentation based on synthetic healthy lung image subtraction. Med Phys, 2022.
5. Liu, Y., Q. Ye, F. Zeng, X. Jiang, B. Cai, W. Lv, and J. Wen, Library-driven approach for fast implementation of the voxel spread function to correct magnetic field inhomogeneity artifacts for gradient-echo sequences. Med Phys, 2021. 48(7): p. 3714-3720.
6. Chen, Z., Q. Guo, G. Wu, J. Wen, S. Liao, and C. Xu, Molecular basis for cysteine oxidation by plant cysteine oxidases from Arabidopsis thaliana. J Struct Biol, 2021. 213(1): p. 107663.
1. Project Name: Multi-modal Fused Brain Imaging Methodology
- Source: Sub-project of the National Key R&D Program
- Funding: 4.47 million RMB
- Duration: 2022.12-2027.11
- Role: Principal Investigator
2. Project Name: Develop a magnetic resonance and fluorescent dual-modality imaging probe to analyze the visual neural circuit
- Source: NSFC
- Funding: 640,000 RMB
- Duration: 2021.01-2024.12
- Role: Principal Investigator
3. Project Name: COVID-19 Diagnosis and Disease Assessment Based on Medical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence
- Source: the USTC Research Funds of the Double First-Class Initiative
- Funding: 500,000 RMB
- Duration: 2021.01-2022.12
- Role: Principal Investigator
4. Project Name: Development of New MRI Methods for In Vivo Analysis of Neural Circuit Structure and Functional Networks
- Source: the Collaborative Innovation Program of Hefei Science Center, CAS
- Funding: 450,000 RMB
- Duration: 2020.09-2022.08
- Role: Principal Investigator
5. Project Name: Targeted MRI Based on Cyanobacterial Gas Vesicles
- Source: New Medicine Joint Fund of USTC
- Funding: 120,000 RMB
- Duration: 2019.8-2021.7
- Role: Principal Investigator
Contact Information
E-mail: jiewen@ustc.edu.cn
Office phone: +86-0551-62283486