Ph.D. Supervisor, Chief Technologist/Professor, Director of the Laboratory Department at the First Affiliated Hospital of the University of Science and Technology of China. He is a leading academic and technical figure in Anhui Province and head of the Anhui Provincial Key Discipline in Clinical Medicine. He serves as a committee member of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association’s Laboratory Medicine Branch, a standing committee member of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine’s Laboratory Medicine Branch (and Chair of the Liquid Biopsy Expert Committee), a member of the Chinese Society of Immunology, a member of the Molecular Diagnostics Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Genetics, the first chair of the Laboratory Medicine Branch of the Anhui Medical Doctor Association, the chair-elect of the 10th Laboratory Medicine Branch of the Anhui Medical Association, Deputy Editor of the *Journal of Clinical Transfusion and Laboratory Medicine*, and an editorial board member of the *Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion*.
Educational Background
- 2015.02-2015.10: Visiting Scholar, Rush University Medical Center
- 2001.09-2004.07: Ph.D. in Immunology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- 1990.09-1993.07: Master’s in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Shanghai Second Medical University
- 1985.09-1989.07: Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Anhui Medical University
Work Experience
- 2017.12-Present: Chief Technologist/Professor, Director of Laboratory Department, First Affiliated Hospital, University of Science and Technology of China
- 2011.10-2017.11: Chief Technologist/Professor, Director of Laboratory Department, Anhui Provincial Hospital
- 2004.07-2011.09: Chief Technologist, Director of Blood Transfusion Department, Anhui Provincial Hospital
- 1993.07-2010.08: Senior Technologist, Deputy Chief Technologist, Anhui Provincial Clinical Laboratory Center
- 1983.07-1990.08: Technologist, Laboratory Department, Anhui Provincial Hospital
Academic Achievements and Impact
Dedicated over 30 years to teaching and research in clinical laboratory diagnostics, supervising more than 40 doctoral and master’s students. Awarded second and third prizes in provincial science and technology awards. Led three National Natural Science Foundation projects and over ten provincial and ministerial projects. Published over 40 papers in SCI journals, such as *J Immunol*, and co-authored four books and textbooks.
Ongoing Projects (Main Leader Only)
- Role of Exosomal lncRNA uc002ktr.3 in Cisplatin Resistance in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Its Clinical Value as a Novel Resistance Marker, National Natural Science Foundation (81972006), 5.5 million RMB, 2020-01 to 2023-12
Main Research Areas (Recruitment Fields) and Content
1. Immunology
- Immunotherapy for lung cancer
- Role of the inflammatory microenvironment in the development of lung cancer
Research includes the development of lung cancer DC vaccines, foundational research on CAR-T therapy for lung cancer, and the role and mechanisms of inflammatory factors in lung cancer progression and chemotherapy resistance.
Clinical Medicine
1. Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics
- Functional mechanisms of non-coding RNA in lung cancer
- Discovery of novel diagnostic and resistance markers for lung cancer
Research focuses on the role and mechanisms of non-coding RNA in lung cancer, screening and discovering new diagnostic and chemotherapy resistance markers for lung cancer, and establishing liquid biopsy methods.
Representative Papers (Last Five Years)
1. MiR-223-3p functions as a tumor suppressor in lung squamous cell carcinoma by miR-223-3p-mutant p53 regulatory feedback loop. *J Exp Clin Cancer Res.* 2019, 38(1):74.
2. LncRNA EPIC1 promotes tumor angiogenesis via activating the Ang2/Tie2 axis in non-small cell lung cancer. *Life Sciences.* 2020.
3. Regulation of ATP-binding cassette subfamily B member 1 by Snail contributes to chemoresistance in colorectal cancer. *Cancer Science.* 2020, 111(1): 84–97.
4. LunX-CAR T Cells as a Targeted Therapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. *Molecular Therapy: Oncolytics.* 2020, 17:361-370.
5. Addition of CpG ODN and Poly (I: C) to a standard maturation cocktail generates monocyte-derived dendritic cells and induces a potent Th1 polarization with migratory capacity. *Hum Vaccin Immunother.* 2015, 11(7):1596-1605.
Contact Information
Email: wbl196555@163.com
Phone: 0551-62283571