
Professor, PhD Supervisor

Contact Information

Email: ustcjw@ustc.edu.cn

Address: Huangshan Road 443, Hefei, Anhui, China R.P. 230027

Homepage: http://lirst.ustc.edu.cn/

Personal Profile

09/1998-06/2002 B.S.    Anhui University, China

09/2002-06/2007 Ph.D   University of Science & Technology of China

08/2007-02/2011 Postdoc  Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ltd.

Lausanne Branch, Switzerland

03/2011-present  Professor  University of Science & Technology of China

Research Interests

We focus on understanding how immune systems control the mucosal homeostasis in the gut. We are investigating the function and development of the intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs). We also have interest to understand how the gut flora controls the intestinal homeostasis, especially the role of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in this process.

Selected publications(* co-first author)

1. Yan Y*, Jiang W*, Liu L, Wang X, Ding C, Tian Z, Zhou R. Dopamine controls systemic inflammation through inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome. Cell. 2015 ;160(1-2):62-73.
2. Wang X*, Jiang W*, Yan Y, Gong T, Han J, Tian Z, Zhou R. RNA viruses promote activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome through a RIP1-RIP3-DRP1 signaling pathway. Nat Immunol. 2014 ;15(12):1126-33.
3. Jiang W, Wang X, Zeng B, Liu L, Tardivel A, Wei H, Han J, MacDonald HR, Tschopp J, Tian Z, Zhou R. Recognition of gut microbiota by NOD2 is essential for the homeostasis of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes. J Exp Med. 2013;21;210(11):2465-76.
4. Yan Y*, Jiang W*, Spinetti T*, Tardivel A, Castillo R, Bourquin C, Guarda G, Tian Z, Tschopp J, Zhou R. ω-3 fatty acids prevent inflammation and metabolic disorder through inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Immunity. 2013;27;38(6):1154-63.
5. Jiang W, Ferrero I, Laurenti E, Trumpp A, Macdonald HR. c-Myc controls the development of CD8αα TCRαβ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes from thymic precursors by regulating IL-15-dependent survival. Blood. 2010;115(22):4431-8.
6. Jiang W, Sun R, Wei H, Tian Z. Toll-like receptor 3 ligand attenuates LPS-induced liver injury by down-regulation of toll-like receptor 4 expression on macrophages. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS) 2005;102(47): 17077–17082.
7. Jiang W, Sun R, Zhou R, Wei H, Tian Z. TLR-9 activation aggravates concanavalin A-induced hepatitis via  promoting accumulation and activation of liver CD4+ NKT cells. J Immunol. 2009;182(6):3768-74.