Dr. Qiang Liu is the recipient of National Science Foundation for “Distinguished Young Scholars” in 2021 and “Excellent Young Scientist” in 2014.
Dr. Qiang Liu received Ph.D. degrees from Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He completed his postdoctoral training at Washington University School of Medicine and continued his research at Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)/University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine as a Research Associate. Dr. Qiang Liu joined the faculty of School of Life Sciences, University of Science & Technology of China in 2012.
Research Interests
One of the central questions in neuroscience is how the brain acquires, processes and stores information. Memory is the process of storing and then remembering this information. Our laboratory is interested in elucidating the physiological mechanisms underlying learning and memory, and also pathogenic mechanisms of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, that phenotypically show deficits in learning and memory. Specifically, we’re exploring: 1) how brain lipid metabolism influence learning and memory under both physiological and pathological conditions (Alzheimer’s Disease); 2) how epigenetic mechanism is involved in learning and memory process; 3) how brain energy homeostasis contributes to learning and memory.
Selected Publications
1. Li D, Gao X, Ma X, Wang M, Cheng C, Xue T, Gao F, Shen Y, Zhang J, Liu Q.Aging-induced tRNAGlu-derived fragment impairs glutamate biosynthesis by targeting mitochondrial translation-dependent cristae organization. Cell Metabolism 36: 1-17, 2024.
2. Li D, Cao R, Li Q, Yang Y, Tang A, Zhang J, Liu Q. Nucleolus assembly impairment leads to two-cell transcriptional repression via NPM1-mediated PRC2 recruitment. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 30:914-925, 2023.
3. Li XH, Zhang J, Li DF, He C, He K, Xue T, Wan L, Zhang C and Liu Q. Astrocytic ApoE reprograms neuronal cholesterol metabolism and histone acetylation-mediated memory. Neuron109:957-970, 2021.
4. Li D, Zhang J, Liu Q.Brain cell type-specific cholesterol metabolism and implications for learning and memory.Trends in Neurosciences 45:401-414, 2022.
5. Li D, Zhang J, Wang M, Li X, Gong H, Tang H, Chen L, Wan L and Liu Q.Activity dependent LoNA Regulates Translation by Coordinating rRNA Transcription and Methylation. Nature Communications 9(1):1726,2018.
6. Raihan O, Brishti A, Li Q, Zhang Q, Li D, Li X, Zhang Q, Xie Z, Li J, Zhang J, Liu Q. SFRS11 loss leads to aging-associated cognitive decline by modulating LRP8 and ApoE. Cell Reports 28(1):78-90, 2019.
7. Zhang Q, Zhang J, Ye J, Li X, Liu H, Ma X, Wang C, He K, Zhang W, Yuan J, Zhao Y, Xu H, Liu Q. Nuclear speckle specific hnRNP D-like prevents age- and AD-related cognitive decline by modulating RNA splicing.Molecular Neurodegeneration 16(1):66, 2021.
8. Zhang J, Liu Q.Age- and disease-related memory decline: epigenetic biomarker and treatment. Science Bulletin 68(16):1719-1721, 2023.
9. Zhang J, Li D, He K, Liu Q*, Xie Z*. Aging-induced YTHDF aggregates impair mitochondrial function by trapping mitochondrial RNAs and suppressing their expression in the brain. Protein & Cell 15(2):149-155,2024.
10. Li D, Zhang J, Liu Q.Mechanistic insights on non-coding RNAs in learning and memory.Science Bulletin. 68(15):1591-1594, 2023.
11. Zhang J, Liu Q.Cholesterol metabolism and homeostasis in the brain. Protein & Cell. 6(4):254-64,2015.