Main Research Interests
1. Molecular signaling pathways involved in neural system developmental plasticity.
2. Molecular mechanisms controlling critical periods of neural system development.
3. Molecular mechanisms for restoring system plasticity after critical periods.
Education and Positions
- Ph.D., Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor
- Studied at the Department of Biology, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) from 1991-1995
- Completed a combined Master's and Ph.D. program at the School of Life Sciences, USTC, earning a Ph.D. in Biophysics (1995-2001)
- Postdoctoral research at Yale University School of Medicine, USA (2001-2004)
- Research Associate at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA (2004-2007)
- Returned to China in 2007 as a Professor at the School of Life Sciences, USTC, focusing on the molecular mechanisms of visual system developmental plasticity and critical periods. Published work in journals such as Science and Nature Neuroscience. Over the past five years, published 10 SCI papers in core journals, with over 90 citations.
Current Research Projects
- National Natural Science Foundation General Program
- Sub-project of the Major Scientific Research Plan: Neurodevelopmental Basis of Depression and Alzheimer's Disease titled Regulation of Neural Network Aging and Rejuvenation.
Representative Publications
1.Yang YP, Fischer QS, Zhang Y, Baumgartel K, Mansuy IM,Daw NW (2005) Reversible blockade of experience-dependent plasticity by calcineurin in mouse visual cortex. Nat Neurosci 8:791-796.
2.McGee AW*, Yang YP*, Fischer QS, Daw NW, Strittmatter SM (2005) Experience-driven plasticity of visual cortex limited by myelin and Nogo receptor. Science 309: 2222-2226 (*co-first authors).
3.Fischer QS, Beaver CJ, Yang YP, Rao Y, Jakobsdottir K, Storm DR, McKnight GS, Daw NW (2004) Requirement of the RIIb isoform of PKA, but not calcium-stimulated adenylyl cyclase, in visual cortical plasticity. J Neurosci 24: 9049-9058.
Contact Information
- Email: yangyp@ustc.edu.cn
- Phone: 63602593
- research ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-5107-2018
- Room 721, School of Life Sciences, USTC
- 96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, Anhui, China, 230027