Received her Ph.D. from the School of Chemistry at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2016. She then conducted postdoctoral research at the School of Life Sciences, USTC. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the School of Life Sciences and Medicine and a Young Female Scientist at the National Research Center for Microscale Material Science. Her research focuses on developing novel metabolomics analysis techniques from micro to mesoscopic scales and their application in neuroscience. She has led her team to independently develop several world-leading technologies, including single-cell metabolomics, single-lysosome metabolomics, and AI-based rapid super-resolution spatial metabolomics, providing crucial technical support for research on cellular metabolic regulation in the nervous system. She has published multiple first-author and corresponding-author articles in renowned international journals such as Cell, Nature Methods, Nature Machine Intelligence, and PNAS. She holds three national patents and leads projects funded by the National Excellent Young Scientists Fund, major research plans, general projects, and youth projects of the National Natural Science Foundation. She also participates in a key R&D plan by the Ministry of Science and Technology and was selected as a member of the Youth Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021.
Research Interests
- Development of multi-scale metabolomics technologies from single organelles and single cells to tissues and organs
- Development of new analytical methods for omics data
- Using multi-scale metabolomics detection technologies to study metabolic changes and molecular mechanisms in development, cancer, aging, and neurodegenerative diseases, aiming to identify early diagnostic markers and therapeutic methods.
Tiepeng Liao; Zihao Ren; Zhaoliang Chai; Man Yuan; Chenjian Miao; Junjie Li; Qi Chen; Zhilin Li; Ziyi Wang; Lin Yi; Siyuan Ge; Wenwei Qian; Longfeng Shen; Zilei Wang; Wei Xiong(*); Hongying Zhu(*). A super-resolution strategy for mass spectrometry imaging via transfer learning, Nature Machine Intelligence, 2023,5:656-668.
Hongying Zhu(#), Qianqian Li(#), Tiepeng Liao(#), Xiang Yin, Qi Chen, Ziyi Wang, Meifang Dai, Lin Yi, Siyuan Ge, Chenjian Miao, Wenping Zeng, Lili Qu, Zhenyu Ju, Guangming Huang, Chunlei Cang(*) and Wei Xiong(*). Metabolomic Profiling of Single Enlarged Lysosomes. Nature Methods, 2021, 18: 788–798.
Hongying Zhu(#); Ning Wang (#); Lei Yao; Qi Chen; Ran Zhang; Junchao Qian; Yiwen Hou; Weiwei Guo; Sijia Fan; Siling Liu; Qiaoyun Zhao; Feng Du; Xin Zuo; Yujun Guo; Yan Xu; Jiali Li; Tian Xue; Kai Zhong; Xiaoyuan Song; Guangming Huang(*); Wei Xiong(*), Moderate UV Exposure Enhances Learning and Memory by Promoting A Novel Glutamate Biosynthetic Pathway in the Brain, Cell, 2018, 173: 1716~1727
Hongying Zhu(#),Guichang Zou(#), Ning Wang(#), Meihui Zhuang, Wei Xiong(*), Guangming Huang(*),Single-neuron identification of chemical constituents, physiological changes, and metabolism using mass spectrometry. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2017, 114: 2586-2591.
Xiangkai Kong (#), Hongying Zhu(#), ChangLe Chen(*), Guangming Huang (*), Qianwang Chen(*). Insights into the reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol on catalysts. Chem. Physi. Lett., 2017, 684: 148–152
Hongying Zhu, Guangming Huang(*), Humidity independent mass spectrometry for gas phase chemical analysis via ambient proton transfer reaction. Anal. Chim. Acta.,2015, 867: 67~73
Hongying Zhu, Gongyu Li, Guangming Huang(*). Screening of complicated matrixes with paper assisted ultrasonic spray ionization mass spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.,2014, 25(6):935~942
Hongying Zhu, Yonggang Feng, Jun Yang(*), Wenjie Pan, Zhanghai Li, Yonggao Tu, Xiaolan Zhu, Guangming Huang. Separation and characterization of sucrose esters from Oriental tobacco leaves using accelerated solvent extraction followed by SPE coupled to HPLC with ion-trap MS detection. J. Sep. Sci., 2013, 36(15):2486~2495
Contact Information
Email: zhuhy62@ustc.edu.cn
Address: Room 917, Science Building, West Campus, University of Science and Technology of China, Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui Province
Lab Website: [http://x-lab.ustc.edu.cn/](http://x-lab.ustc.edu.cn/)