Research Interests
The regulation of gene transcription in eukaryotic organisms represents a highly complex and intricate area of cell biology. This regulatory mechanism not only governs cellular differentiation and development but is also essential for the survival and normal functioning of multicellular organisms. Throughout the cell life cycle, this system ensures that the spatiotemporal expression of appropriate genes, thereby maintaining cellular stability and enabling adaptation to environmental changes. However, when this finely tuned regulatory process is disrupted, it can lead to severe diseases, particularly cancer. The tumorigenesis is closely associated with dysregulation in gene expression, which may involve multiple factors, including chromatin state, epigenetic modifications, and the recruitment of transcription factors and their co-factors. Therefore, elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying transcription regulation in cancer cells is critical for advancing our understanding of oncogenesis and informing clinical treatment strategies.
To address these key research questions, our laboratory will focus on the following directions:
1. Investigating RNA-mediated gene transcription regulation in cancer cells: RNA molecules play multifaceted roles in the regulation of gene expression, serving as signaling, regulatory, and structural components. Our research will focus particularly on the roles of noncoding RNAs and enhancer RNAs in transcription regulation, and their impact on the growth and survival of cancer cells.
2. Identifying key transcription factors involved in mitosis: mitosis is a pivotal phase in the cell cycle, and the regulation of gene expression during this process is critical for cellular proliferation and differentiation. We aim to identify and characterize transcription factors that are essential for mitosis and to investigate their influence on cell cycle progression.
3. Exploring the relationship between 3D genome organization and gene transcription: recent advances in the study of genome architecture have revealed the regulatory role of the spatial organization of the genome in gene expression. We will employ multiple genomic technologies and super-resolution imaging techniques to investigate how the three-dimensional structure of the genome influences transcription activity.
Personal Introduction
Yu-Hang Xing is a Special Professor at the Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He earned his bachelor's degree from Nanjing University in 2012 and his PhD from the Shanghai Institute of Life Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2018. From 2018 to 2023, he pursued postdoctoral research at Harvard Medical School. In July 2023, he joined USTC as a Special Professor, where he established a research laboratory focused on gene transcription regulation. His research centers on epigenetics, with a particular emphasis on elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying gene transcription regulation in cancer and unraveling the complexities of selective gene expression across varying temporal and spatial dimensions. He has been recognized with several prestigious awards, including the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Outstanding Graduate Award from the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Special Award from the President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His current research efforts focus on investigating the molecular mechanisms governing gene transcription regulation in cancer through the lenses of genomics, molecular biology, and high-resolution microscopy.
Lab Recruitment
1. Postdoctoral Positions: Ongoing recruitment, with a preference for candidates with a background in computational biology. Other areas include, but are not limited to, cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics.
2. Graduate Students: Students interested in our research areas are welcome to join the lab for further studies.
We welcome you to join our lab, where I strive to create a positive and harmonious research environment. Our goal is for each lab member to grow and progress happily and healthily, exploring the mysteries of science with a positive and optimistic attitude!
Contact Information
Office: Room 444, Medical Building, West Campus, University of Science and Technology of China
Email: yhxing@ustc.edu.cn
Tel: +86-0551-63603943
Publications(#First Author, *Corresponding Author)
Xing YH#, Dong R#, Lee L, Rengarajan S, Riggi N, Boulay G, Rivera MN*. DisP-seq reveals the genome-wide functional organization of DNA-associated disordered proteins. Nat Biotechnol. 2023, 42(1):52-64.
Rajendran S#, Dong R#, Lee L, Xing YH, Iyer S et al. Highly connected 3D chromatin networks established by an oncogenic fusion protein shape tumor cell identity. Sci Adv. 2023, 9(13): eabo3789.
Yasuhara T, Xing YH, Bauer N, Lee L, Dong R, Yadav T, Soberman R, Rivera MN, Zou L*. Condensates induced by transcription inhibition localize active chromatin to nucleoli. Mol Cell. 2022, 82(15): 2738-2753.
Möller E, Praz V, Rajendran S, Dong R, Cauderay A, Xing YH et al. EWSR1-ATF1 dependent 3D connectivity regulates oncogenic and differentiation programs in Clear Cell Sarcoma. Nat Commun. 2022, 13(1): 2267.
Wu M#, Xu G#, Han C#, Luan PF, Xing YH, Nan F, Yang LZ, Huang YK, Yang ZH, Shan L, Yang L, Liu JQ* and Chen LL*. lncRNA SLERT controls phase separation of FC/DFCs to facilitate Pol I transcription. Science. 2021, 373(6554): 547-555.
Boulay G#, Cironi L#, Garcia S.P, Rengarajan S, Xing YH et al. The chromatin landscape of primary synovial sarcoma organoids is linked to specific epigenetic mechanisms and dependencies. Life science alliance. 2020, 4(2): e202000808.
Guo CJ#, Ma XK#, Xing YH, Zheng CC, Xu YF, Shan L, Zhang J, Wang SH, Wang YM, Carmichael GG, Yang L and Chen LL*. Distinct processing of lncRNAs contributes to non-conserved functions in stem cells. Cell. 2020, 181(3): 621-636.
Yao RW#, Xu G#, Wang Y, Shan L, Luan PF, Wang Y, Wu M, Yang LZ, Xing YH, Yang L, Chen LL*. Nascent Pre-rRNA Sorting via Phase Separation Drives the Assembly of Dense Fibrillar Components in the Human Nucleolus. Mol Cell. 2019, 76(5): 767-783.
Xing YH, Chen LL*. Processing and roles of snoRNA-ended long noncoding RNAs. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol. 2018, 25: 1-11.
Xing YH#, Yao RW#, Zhang Y#, Guo CJ, Jiang S, Xv G, Dong R, Yang L, Chen LL*. SLERT regulates DDX21-rings associated with Pol I transcription. Cell. 2017, 169: 664-678.
Xing YH, Chen LL*. Long Noncoding RNAs Stabilized by Small Nucleolar RNA-Protein (snoRNP) Ends. Chinese Journal of Cell Biology. 2017, 39: 1261-1267.
Xing YH#, Bai ZQ#, Liu CX, Hu SB, Ruan MH, Chen LL*. Research progress of long noncoding RNA in China. IUBMB Life. 2016, 68: 887-893.
Zhong CQ#, Yin Q#, Xie ZF#, Bai MZ#, Dong R#, Tang W, Xing YHet al. CRISPR-Cas9-Mediated Genetic Screening in Mice with Haploid Embryonic Stem Cells Carrying a Guide RNA Library. Cell Stem Cell. 2015, 17: 221-232.
Zhang Y#, Zhang XO#, Chen T, Xiang JF, Yin QF, Xing YH, Zhu S, Yang L* and Chen LL*. Circular intronic long noncoding RNAs. Mol Cell. 2013, 51: 792-806.
Liu HX, Xing YH, Yang SH, Tian DC*. Remarkable difference of somatic mutation patterns between oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Oncol Rep. 2011, 26: 1539-1546.