Main Research Areas
1. DNA molecular self-assembly methods and mechanisms
2. Single-molecule fluorescence techniques for studying dynamic DNA nanostructures
3. DNA nanotechnology for biophysics research
Special Researcher at the School of Biomedical Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China. Received a Ph.D. from the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2014. From August 2014 to July 2022, conducted postdoctoral research at Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, and Emory University, USA. Joined the School of Life Sciences and Medicine and Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research, University of Science and Technology of China in August 2022. Focuses on DNA nanotechnology and biomedical applications, utilizing the structural properties of DNA molecules for various self-assembly methods to construct complex DNA nanostructures for biomedical research.
Has published nearly 20 SCI papers, with 10 as the first or corresponding author in journals such as J. Am. Chem. Soc, Nano Letters, Nature Protocols, and Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
Email: dongfang_wang@ustc.edu.cn
Office: Mingde Building A306, Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research
Representative Papers
1. Dongfang Wang#, Lei Yu#, Chao-Min Huang, Gaurav Arya, Shuai Chang, Yonggang Ke Programmable Transformations of DNA Origami Made of Small Modular Dynamic Units J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 5, 2256–2263
2. Dongfang Wang, Lei Yu, Bin Ji, Shuai Chang, Jie Song, Yonggang Ke Programming the Curvatures in Reconfigurable DNA Domino Origami by Using Asymmetric Units Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 11, 8236–8241
3. Sisi Fan#, Dr. Dongfang Wang#, Jin Cheng, Yan Liu, Tao Luo, Prof. Daxiang Cui, Prof. Yonggang Ke, Prof. Jie Song Information Coding in a Reconfigurable DNA Origami Domino Array Angewandte Chemie 2020, 132, 13091-13097
4. Sisi Fan, Jin Cheng, Yan Liu, Dongfang Wang, Tao Luo, Bin Dai, Chuan Zhang, Daxiang Cui, Yonggang Ke, Jie Song Proximity-Induced Pattern Operations in Reconfigurable DNA Origami Domino Array J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 34, 14566–14573
5. Sisi Fan#, Dongfang Wang#, Jin Cheng, Jie Song Create nanoscale patterns with DNA origami Small 2019, 15, 1805554
6. Dongfang Wang#, Jie Song#, Pengfei Wang, Victor Pan, Yingwei Zhang, Daxiang Cui, Yonggang Ke Design and operation of reconfigurable two-dimensional DNA molecular arrays Nature Protocols 2018, 13, 2312-2329
7. Dongfang Wang, Carolin Vietz, Tim Schröder, Birka Lalkens, Guillermo Acuna, Philip Tinnefeld A DNA walker as fluorescence signal amplifier Nano Lett. 2017, 17 (9), pp 5368–5374
8. Jing Su#, Dongfang Wang#, Lena Nörbel, Jianlei Shen, Zhihan Zhao, Yanzhi Dou, Tianhuan Peng, Jiye Shi, Sanjay Mathur, Chunhai Fan, and Shiping Song Multicolor Gold-Silver Nano-Mushrooms as Ready-to-Use SERS Probes for Ultrasensitive and Multiplex DNA/miRNA Detection Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89 (4), 2531–2538
9. Dongfang Wang, Yanming Fu, Juan Yan, Bin Zhao, Bin Dai, Jie Chao, Huajie Liu, Dannong He, Yi Zhang, Shiping Song, Chunhai Fan Molecular Logic Gates on DNA Origami nanostructures for MicroRNA Diagnostics Analytical Chemistry 2014, 86 (4), pp 1932–1936
Lab Recruitment
Hiring associate researchers, assistant researchers, and accepting postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate interns year-round. We warmly welcome talented individuals interested in our research areas. Application requirements: Passion for research, ambition, strong independent work ability, and team spirit. Candidates with backgrounds in biology, chemistry, and materials science are encouraged to apply.