Special Research Fellow. Graduated with a PhD from the Institute of Hematology, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in 2015. From 2015 to 2023, served as a Postdoctoral Researcher and Associate Researcher at the University of Michigan Medical School and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. In April 2023, Dr. Wu was jointly appointed as an independent PI at the School of Life Sciences and Medicine at the University of Science and Technology of China and the Institute of Hematology and Cell Therapy at the First Affiliated Hospital. Dr. Wu focuses on using multicolor confocal immunofluorescence imaging to explore the structure and regulatory mechanisms of normal hematopoiesis in bone marrow and abnormal hematopoiesis (tumor and non-tumor hematologic diseases, blood cell production abnormalities caused by other system disorders). Key work published in journals such as Nature (2021, 2024) and Cell Research.
Research Background
Utilizes immunofluorescence imaging to study the spatial structure and microenvironmental regulation of bone marrow hematopoiesis under physiological and pathological conditions. By discovering and designing new combinations of cell surface markers, enables in situ identification of various multipotent hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in bone marrow, including LT-HSC, ST-HSC, and functional MPP2, MPP3, MPP4, as well as bipotent and lineage-specific progenitor cells and their progeny blood cells. Combined with various mouse models, reveals macro and micro changes in bone marrow hematopoietic tissue structure under conditions such as homeostasis, blood loss, infection, G-CSF mobilization, and aging.
Main Research Directions
1. Spatial structure of differentiation and bone marrow microenvironment regulation of various cell lineages in mouse bone marrow hematopoietic tissue. Focus on megakaryocyte/erythroid lineage differentiation and regulation.
2. Structural and microenvironmental changes in bone marrow hematopoietic tissue under different stress conditions. Focus on bone marrow aging hematopoiesis and hematologic tumors.
Lab Recruitment
The lab is recruiting lab managers, postdoctoral researchers, special associate researchers, and graduate students interested in bone marrow hematopoiesis and hematologic diseases. Send resumes to wuqingqing@ustc.edu.cn.
1.Wu Q#*, Zhang J#, Kumar S, Shen S, Kincaid M, Johnson CB, Zhang YS, Turcotte R, Alt C, Ito K, Homan S, Sherman BE, Shao TY, Slaughter A, Weinhaus B, Song B, Filippi MD, Grimes HL, Lin CP, Ito K, Way SS, Kofron JM, Lucas D*. Resilient anatomy and local plasticity of naive and stress haematopoiesis. Nature. 2024, doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07186-6. (#co-first author; *Corresponding authors)
2.Zhang, Jizhou*, Qingqing Wu*, Courtney B. Johnson, Andre Olsson, Anastasiya Slaughter, Margot May, Benjamin Weinhaus et al. In situ mapping identifies distinct vascular niches for myelopoiesis. Nature, 2021, doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03201-2 (*co-first author)
3.Wu, Q., Zhang, J., & Lucas, D. Anatomy of Hematopoiesis and Local Microenvironments in the Bone Marrow. Where to? Frontiers in immunology, 2021, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.768439
4.Wu Q., Zhang L., Su P., et al. MSX2 mediates entry of human pluripotent stem cells into mesendoderm by simultaneously suppressing SOX2 and activating NODAL signaling[J]. Cell research, 2015, 25(12): 1314-1332.
5.Zhang J*, Wu Q*, Shi J, et al. Involvement of interleukin‐21 in the pathophysiology of aplastic anemia[J]. European journal of haematology, 2015. doi: 10.1111/ejh.12471 (*co-first author)
6.Wu Q*, Zhang J*, Shi J, et al. Increased Bone Marrow (BM) Plasma Level of Soluble CD30 and Correlations with BM Plasma Level of Interferon (IFN)- γ, CD4/CD8 T-Cell Ratio and Disease Severity in Aplastic Anemia[J]. PLoS ONE 2014. 9(11): e110787. doi:10.1371/ journal. pone.0110787 (*co-first author)
7.Zhang J, Wu Q, Zheng Y. (2016) Persistent elevated bone marrow plasma levels of thrombopoietin in patients with aplastic anemia. Cytokine. 2016;
8.Zhang J, Wu Q, Yao J, et al. Basal level of Th17 immune response is not enhanced in aplastic anemia[J]. Cytokine, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2015.03.014.
9.Pang S L, Wu Q, Tian S, et al. Establishment of a highly efficient hematopoietic differentiation model from human embryonic stem cells for functional screening[J]. Science China. Life Sciences, 2013, 56(12): 1147- 1149.
10.Zhang L, Wang H, Liu C, Wu Q, Su P, Wu D, Guo J, Zhou W, Xu Y, Shi L, Zhou J. MSX2 Initiates and Accelerates Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cell Specification of hPSCs by Regulating TWIST1 and PRAME. Stem Cell Reports, 2018, Aug 14;11(2):497-513.
11.Wang Q, Yan R, Pinnell N, McCarter AC, Oh Y, Liu Y, Sha C, Garber NF, Chen Y, Wu Q, Ku CJ, Tran I, Serna Alarcon A, Kuick R, Engel JD, Maillard I, Cierpicki T, Chiang MY. Stage-specific roles for Zmiz1 in Notch-dependent steps of early T-cell development. Blood, 2018 Sep 20;132(12):1279-1292.
12.Hosoya T, Li H, Ku CJ, Wu Q, Guan Y, Engel JD. High-Throughput Single- Cell Sequencing of both TCR-β Alleles. J Immunol, 2018 Dec 1;201(11):3465-3470.
13.Yu L, Jearawiriyapaisarn N, Lee MP, Hosoya T, Wu Q, Myers G, Lim KC, Kurita R, Nakamura Y, Vojtek AB, Rual JF, Engel JD. BAP1 regulation of the key adaptor protein NCoR1 is critical for γ-globin gene repression. Genes Dev. 2018 Dec 1;32(23-24):1537-1549