
ZENG Zhutian

Professor, Principle Investigator in the Key Laboratory of Immune Response and Immunotherapy. Awardee of the National High-Level Talents Special Support Program and the Anhui Provincial Talent Program.


Education and Work Experience

2004–2008: B.S., Biotechnology, University of Science and Technology of China

2008–2014: Ph.D., Institute of Immunology, University of Science and Technology of China

2014–2019: Postdoctoral Research, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada

2019–Present: Professor, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of                           Science and Technology of China

                     PI, Key Laboratory of Immune Response and Immunotherapy


Research Interests

Our group is interested in studying the tissue resident immune responses in infections and cancers using the state-of-the-art intravital macroscopy, with a particular focus on tissue resident macrophages, and their dynamic interactions with immune cells, pathogens and tumor cells. We aim to develop novel immunotherapies based on our basic research findings. Our current research interests are outlined as following:


- Understanding the heterogeneity of tissue macrophages and mechanisms underlying their self-renewal and tissue specification.

- Dissecting the functional specificities of tissue macrophages and neutrophils in infections and sepsis.

- Developing macrophage-targeted immunotherapeutic strategies against cancers and infectious diseases


For more details, please visit our lab homepage: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~zengzt/


Key Publications (*First Author; #Corresponding Author)

Li S*, Yao Q, Li J, Yang H, Qian R, Zheng M, Wu N, Jiang H, Li L#, Zeng Z#. Inhibition of neutrophil swarming by type I interferon promotes intracellular bacterial evasion. Nat Commun. 2024 Oct 7;15(1):8663.


Liu W*, Zhou X*, Yao Q, Chen C, Zhang Q, Ding K, Li L, Zeng Z#. In Situ Expansion and Reprogramming of Kupffer Cells Elicits Potent Tumoricidal Immunity against Liver Metastasis. J Clin Invest. 2023 Feb 23:e157937.


Tang J*, Song H*, Li S, Lam SM, Ping J, Yang M, Li N, Chang T, Yu Z, Liu W , Lu Y, Zhu M, Tang Z , Liu Z, Guo YR , Shui G#, Veillette A#, Zeng Z#, Wu N#. TMEM16F Expressed in Kupffer Cells Regulates Liver Inflammation and Metabolism to Protect Against Listeria Monocytogenes. Advanced Sciences 2024: 2402693.

Zeng Z*, Surwarrd BG,Wong CH, Guettler C, Petri B, Burkhard R, Wyss M, Moual HL, Devinney R, Thompson GC, Blackwood J, Joffe AR,  McCoy KD, Jenne CN#, Kubes P#. Sex-hormone-driven innate antibodies protect females and infants against EPEC infection. Nature Immunology.2018; 19: 1100-1111.


Zeng Z*, Surwarrd BG,Wong CH, Geoghegan AJ, Jenne CN#, Kubes P#. CRIg Functions as a Macrophage Pattern Recognition Receptor to Directly Bind and Capture Blood-Borne Gram-Positive Bacteria. Cell Host&Microbe. 2016; 20 (1):99-106.


Zeng Z*, Li L*, Chen Y, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z#. Interferon-gamma Facilitates Hepatic Antiviral T cell Retention for the Maintenance of Liver-induced Systemic Tolerance. J Exp Med. 2016; 213(6):1079-93.




We are recruiting associate researchers, assistant researchers, postdoctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate trainees. Applicants with highly self-motivation and expertise in immunology, molecular biology, cell biology or bioinformatics are particularly welcome to join us.


Contact Information

Room 307, Medical Sciences Building, Mid Campus, USTC

Phone: 0551-63607105 (Office); 0551-63603672 (Lab)

Email: zengzt@ustc.edu.cn