Main Research Interests
1. Development and differentiation of NK cells and ILC subsets
2. Tissue-regional properties of NK cells/ ILC1
3. Role and mechanisms of NK cells/ILC1 in major diseases
Peng Hui, Specially Appointed Professor, PhD Supervisor, recipient of the National Excellent Young Scientists Fund. She graduated with a bachelor's degree (2006) and a PhD (2012) from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). She conducted postdoctoral research at the School of Life Sciences, USTC from 2012 to 2014, and then held positions as Specially Appointed Associate Researcher and Associate Professor from 2014 to 2019. Since November 2019, she has been promoted to the Specially Appointed Professor at the School of Life Sciences and Medicine, USTC. She has been engaged in liver immunology research for a long time. After the finding of a a novel liver-resident NK cell subset, she and the colleagues have focused on the development and function of this subset, as well as its roles and mechanisms in major diseases . She has published work as a (co-)first author/corresponding author in high-impact journals such as Science, Cell, Immunity, Nature Commun, J Clin Invest, J Exp Med, etc.
Representative Papers (* indicates corresponding author)
Cheng M, Li J, Song J, Song H, Chen Y, Tang H, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z*, Wang X*, Peng H*. RORα is required for expansion and memory maintenance of ILC1s via a lymph node-liver axis. Cell Rep. 2024;43(2):113786.
Tang F, Li J, Qi L, Liu D, Bo Y, Qin S, Miao Y, Yu K, Hou W, Li J, Peng J, Tian Z, Zhu L*, Peng H*, Wang D*, Zhang Z*. A pan-cancer single-cell panorama of human natural killer cells. Cell. 2023;186(19):4235-4251.
Chen Y, Wang X, Hao X, Li B, Tao W, Zhu S, Qu K, Wei H, Sun R*, Peng H*, Tian Z*. Ly49E separates liver ILC1s into embryo-derived and postnatal subsets with different functions. J Exp Med. 2022;219(5):e20211805.
Song J, Song H, Wei H, Sun R*, Tian Z*, Peng H*. Requirement of RORα for maintenance and antitumor immunity of liver-resident natural killer cells/ILC1s. Hepatology. 2022;75(5):1181-1193.
Bai L, Vienne M, Tang L, Kerdiles Y, Etiennot M, Escalière B, Galluso J, Wei H, Sun R*, Vivier E*, Peng H*, Tian Z*. Liver type 1 innate lymphoid cells develop locally via an interferon-γ-dependent loop. Science.2021;371(6536):eaba4177.
Wang X, Tian Z, Peng H*. Tissue-resident memory-like ILCs: innate counterparts of TRM cells. Protein Cell. 2020;11(2):85-96.
Chen Y, Tian Z, Peng H*. Immunological memory: ILC1s come into view. Cell Mol Immunol. 2019;16(12):895-896
Wang B, Zhou J, Chen Y, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z*, Peng H*. A novel spleen-resident immature NK cell subset and its maturation in a T-bet-dependent manner. J Autoimmun. 2019;105:102307.
Zhou J, Peng H*, Li K, Qu K, Wang B, Wu Y, Ye L, Dong Z, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z*. Liver-resident NK cells control antiviral activity of hepatic T cells via PD-1/PD-L1 axis. Immunity. 2019;50:403-417.
Bai L, Peng H*, Hao X, Tang L, Sun C, Zheng M, Liu F, Lian Z, Bai L, Wei H, Sun R*, Tian Z*.CD8+ T Cells Promote Maturation of Liver-Resident NK Cells via the CD70-CD27 axis. Hepatology. 2019;70:1804-1815.
Wang X, Peng H*, Cong J, Wang X, Lian Z, Wei H, Sun R*, Tian Z*. Memory formation and long-term maintenance of IL-7Rα+ ILC1s via a lymph node-liver axis. Nat Commun. 2018;9:4854.
Bai L, Peng H*. Generating CD8αα IELs from two sources of thymic precursors. Cell Mol Immunol. 2018;15:640-641.
Peng H*, Tian Z*. Diversity of tissue-resident NK cells. Semin Immunol. 2017;31:3-10.
Tang L, Peng H*, Zhou J, Chen Y, Wei H, Sun R, Yokoyama WM, Tian Z*. Differential phenotypic and functional properties of liver-resident NK cells and mucosal ILC1s. J Autoimmun. 2016;67:29-35.
Peng H, Tian Z*. Re-examining the origin and function of liver-resident NK cells. Trends Immunol. 2015;36:293-299.
Peng H#, Jiang X#, Chen Y#, Sojka DK, Wei H, Gao X, Sun R, Yokoyama WM, Tian Z*. Liver-resident NK cells confer adaptive immunity in skin-contact inflammation. J Clin Invest. 2013;123:1444-1456.
Peng H, Sun R, Tang L, Wei H, Tian Z. CD62L is critical for maturation and accumulation of murine hepatic NK cells in response to viral infection. J Immunol. 2013;190(8):4255-62.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 63600592
E-mail: huipeng@ustc.edu.cn