Research Interests and Directions
1. Developing novel omics technologies to identify DNA, RNA, and proteins interacting with long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs).
2. Elucidating the epigenetic molecular mechanisms by which abnormally expressed lncRNAs promote tumor growth and malignant metastasis.
3. Exploring the molecular mechanisms of tumor susceptibility mediated by lncRNAs.
- Recipient of the National Excellent Young Scientist Program (Overseas, 2022).
- PhD from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2013.
- Postdoctoral research at the UCSD/HHMI from 2014 to 2020.
- Assistant Project Scientist at the UCSD from May 2020 to August 2022.
- Professor at the School of Life Sciences and Medicine, USTC Since September 2022.
- The lab focuses on combining studies from genetics, biochemistry, genomics, and molecular biology to investigate the role of lncRNAs in tumor development, seeking out new tumor biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets for precision oncology.
- Awards include the CAS Zhu-Li-Yue-Hua Scholarship, CAS Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation, Anhui Province Natural Sciences Excellent Dissertation, and the US Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- Research published in journals including Nature and Molecular Cell.
Representative Papers
1. Fan Yang1,4 ✉, Bogdan Tanasa2,4, Rudi Micheletti1, Kenneth A. Ohgi1, Aneel K. Aggarwal3 and Michael G. Rosenfeld1✉Shape of promoter antisense RNAs regulates ligand-induced transcription activation. Nature. 2021 Jul;595(7867):444-449.
2. Fan Yang1,4 ✉, Bogdan Tanasa2,4, Rudi Micheletti1, Kenneth A. Ohgi1, Aneel K. Aggarwal3 and Michael G. Rosenfeld1✉Genome-wide detection and quantitation of RNA distribution byChIRC13a-seq. Protocol Exchange. 2021https://doi.org/10.21203/ rs.3.pex-1416/v1.
3. Fan Yang, Huafeng Zhang, Yide Mei*, and Mian Wu* Reciprocal regulation of HIF-1α and lincRNA-p21 modulates the Warburg effect.Mol Cell. Volume 53, Issue 1, 9 January 2014, Pages88–100.
4.Fan Yang* Promoter antisense RNAs: beyond transcription by-products of active promoters. RNA Biol. 2022;19(1):533-540.
5. Fan Yang, Lin Miao, Yide Mei*, and Mian Wu* Retinoic acid induced HOXA5 expression is co-regulated by HuR and miR-130a. Cell Signal. Volume 25, Issue 6, June 2013, Pages 1476–1485.
6. DESHUN GONG*, Fan Yang*, Fudong Li*, Dandan Qian†, Minhao Wu*, Zhenhua Shao*, Mian Wu*, Jihui Wu*1 and Yunyu Shi*1 Crystal structure and functional characterization of the human RBM25 PWI domain and its flanking basic region. Biochem J. 2013 Feb 15; 450(1):85-94.
7. Chongwei Xie, Wenyu Wang, Fan Yang, Mian Wu*, Yide Mei* RUVBL2 is a novel repressor of ARF transcription. FEBS Lett. 2012 Feb 17; 586(4):435-441.
Contact Information
Office: Room 627, Medical Sciences Building, West Campus, USTC
Email: fay009@ustc.edu.cn