
HUANG Chengdong

Release time :2022-12-25

Chengdong Huang, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Life Sciences

University of Science & Technology of China

443 Huangshan Street, Hefei City, Anhui 230027, P.R.China

Education and Appointment:

2017–present:Professor, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

2017Associate Scientist, St Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Department of Structural Biology

2015-2017:Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics

2012-2015:Postdoctoral Fellow, Rutgers University, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology,

2010-2012:Postdoctoral Fellow, Stony Brook University, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

2004-2010:Ph.D., Auburn University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

2001-2004:M.S., Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1997-2001:Dalian University of Technology

Areas of expertise:

Biomolecular NMR spectroscopy, Structural biology, Molecular Machineries, Molecular Chaperone.

Research Interest:

Our current work primarily focuses on determination of the structural and dynamic basis for the function and assembly of large protein machineries.

Honors & Awards:

2008-2010    Alabama EPSCoR GRSP ScholarshipRound 3, 4 and 5

2009-2010    Auburn University Outstanding Doctoral Graduate Award

2009-2010    Graduate Council’s Outstanding Graduate Award, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Auburn University

2010              Award for Academic Excellence as Outstanding Graduate Student, Auburn University

2010              Auburn University President's Award

Selected Publications:

1.Huang, Chengdong; Kalodimos, Charalampos, G. Structures of Large Protein Complexes by NMR. Annu. Rev.Biophys. (2017) 46, 317-336.

2.Huang, Chengdong; Rossi, Paolo; Saio, Tomohide; Kalodimos, Charalampos, G. Structural basis for the antifolding activity of a molecular chaperone. Nature. (2016) 537, 202-206.

3.Rath, Poonam;Huang, Chengdong; Wang, Tao; Wang, Tianzhi; Li, Huilin; Prados-Rosales, Rafael; Elemento, Olivier; Casadevall, Arturo; Nathan, Carl F. Genetic regulation of vesiculogenesis and immunomodulation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. (2013) 110(49), E4790-4797.

4.Huang, Chengdong*; Li, Guangtao*; Lennarz, William J. Dynamic flexibility of the ATPase p97 is important for its interprotomer motion transmission. (*Equal contribution) Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. USA(2012) 109(25), 9792-9297.

5.Li, Guangtao*; Huang, Chengdong*, Zhao, Gang; Lennarz, William J. Interprotomer motion-transmission mechanism for the hexameric AAA ATPase p97. (*Equal contribution) Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. USA(2012), 109(10), 3737-3741.

6.Huang, Chengdong; Bhaskaran, Rajagopalan; Mohanty, Smita. Eukaryotic N-glycosylation Occurs Via membrane-anchored C-terminal domain of Stt3p subunit of oligosaccharyl transferase.J. Biol. Chem. (2012) 287(39), 32450-32458.

7.Huang, Chengdong; Mohanty, Smita. Challenging the Limit: NMR Assignment of a 31 kDa Monomeric Helical Membrane Protein. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2010), 132, 3662–3663.

8.Huang, Chengdong; Mohanty, Smita, Bannerjee, Monimoy. A novel method of production and biophysical characterization of C-terminal domain of Stt3p, the catalyzing subunit of yeast Oligosaccharyl Transferase.Biochemistry (2010), 49, 1115–1126.
